5 Best Health Supplements

Health supplements can be both beneficial and a waste of time. So which ones are the best health supplements work into your life?
best health supplements
Protein Powder


Protein is an essential nutrient that plays a crucial role in our overall health and well-being. It is the building block of muscles, tissues, and cells, and is involved in numerous bodily functions. Consuming an adequate amount of protein supports muscle growth, repair, and recovery, making it particularly beneficial for increasing strength and lean muscle mass.

Generally speaking, the average individual won’t get adequate amount of protein into their system. An easy way to calculate how much protein you need is to multiple your body weight (in kg) by 1.8-2.2 grams.

Protein targets can be hard to hit, especially if you are aiming for over 180g per day. Protein powders can make it easier to hit those goals by providing between 20-35g of protein per scoop, being easily accessible throughout the day, and even be easier to digest more of before becoming full.



Caffeine/pre-workout supplements are commonly used by athletes and fitness enthusiasts to enhance energy, focus, and performance during workouts. Caffeine acts as a stimulant, increasing alertness and reducing fatigue, while pre-workout supplements often contain a blend of ingredients like amino acids, vitamins, and creatine, aimed at boosting energy and endurance. When used in moderation and according to recommended guidelines, caffeine/pre-workout can provide a temporary energy boost and improve exercise performance. However, it’s important to be mindful of individual tolerance and potential side effects such as increased heart rate, jitters, and disrupted sleep patterns.

Creatine Monohydrate


Creatine monohydrate is a popular and extensively researched supplement used to enhance athletic performance and muscle strength. It works by increasing the production of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the primary energy source for muscle contractions. By replenishing ATP stores more efficiently, creatine monohydrate can improve explosive power, muscle endurance, and overall exercise performance.

As stated above, creatine is one of the most researched supplements available to the market, and thus has plenty of evidence and information readily available. But despite common belief, creatine will likely only have a small, acute effect on the individual’s performance. This is because our body produces creatine naturally but can only store a certain amount, so supplementing more will only lead to ‘filling the storage’. Those on vegetarian or vegan diets will feel the effect much more, being that most of our natural creatine comes from meat.



Life is a lot more chaotic than it used to be, and a lot of processed foods lack the necessary vitamins and micronutrients our bodies need to function at its peak. This is why supplementing multivitamins can be very beneficial as it allows our body to get its daily dose of something we may lack.

Getting adequate daily dosage of vitamins and minerals can help improve bone health, organ functionality, and immune response to illness.

Greens Supplement


Greens supplements, also known as green superfood powders, are dietary supplements that contain a concentrated blend of various plant-based ingredients, such as fruits, vegetables, herbs, and algae. They are designed to provide a convenient way to increase the intake of essential nutrients and antioxidants derived from plant sources.

It should be noted that obtaining nutrients and antioxidants from whole food sources (real fruits and vegetables) is best where possible.

These are the 5 best health supplements worth the money and time. There are many more supplements that might be suitable to you in different situations, or depending on your goals, but these are relevant to the general public.

I have provided a link on most of the listings to help guide you if you are interested in investing in them.

Use the code below for 10% off your order when buying from EHPLabs.


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Key Points

  • Protein Powder

    Best for reaching daily protein goals. Provides up to 35g of protein per scoop.

  • Caffeine/Pre-Workout

    Enhances energy, focus and performance during workouts.

  • Creatine

    Helps top up your ATP stores to allow for more explosive power, muscular endurance, and overall exercise performance.

  • Multivitamins

    Fill the gap of nutrients and vitamins missing in your system. Helps with many bodily functions, from functionality to healthy organs, to digestion and energy.

  • Greens Powder

    Get your daily dose of nutrients and antioxidants from a blend of various plant-based ingredients.

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